Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Exam 2

Non Renewable: Crude oil,is a yellow to black color found in places called reservoirs. Scientists and engineers explore aread by studying rocks from the earth. Measurements are then taking of the rocks and if the site seems promising the drilling begins. We have a couple of relly good places to get our oil from. The top 5 would be saudi arabia russia united states iran and china in that order. we consume oil everyday in almost every aspect of life. We use it for our cars we use it to store our foods almost everything you can think of in some way is involved with the use of oil to be created shipped boxed or just plain made with it. The effects of the consumption of our crude oil outways the risk because without oil we would be pretty much in the stone age without transportaion without electricity and without a whole lot of other things. Products from oil help us do many things. Even though petroleum products make life easier - finding, producing, moving, and using them can cause problems for our environment like air and water pollution. The effects that this oil has though is global warming and that is slowly heating up our planet to the point of being in habittable. These risks dont outway the benefits of how we live and wut we can do with oil.
Renewable: A resource that can be replenished in a human lifetime is considered renewable renews at a rate equal to or faster than its rate of being used by humans. a renewable resource is a resource that is not in danger of being used up. Examples of some renewable resources is solar power which comes from the sun the winds which spin turbines to make electricity, and water. Hydro power which comes from moving water to turn turbines to make electricity. All of these will be better for the enviroment and will have little to no pollution and will never run out. Unless the earth loses its atmosphere then we will lose all wind and we will not be able to use that as a source of energy. The cost of these power sources are less than 5 cents per killowatt hour. Another benefit is that they are friendly on the enviroment and do not cause pollution.

Organisation: Wikipedia Date:June 2008 Title: Renewable resource

Organisation: U.S. department of energy Date: May 2008 Title: energy kids page

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